is THE Job Fair for Central Florida!

Friday, August 9th | 11AM – 3PM | KIA Center

Register Today!

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Last Step, Complete Your Job Fair Profile!

By clicking submit below, you agree to our terms of service and your resume will be added to the OrlandoJobs.com resume database

HIREPALOOZA 2024 registration complete!

100+  Hiring Companies

4,000+ Jobs

Free Career Advice Sessions

Free Resume Reviews

Free Professional Headshots

Meet Your Next Employer Face-to-Face

Our Event Sponsors


Frequently Asked Questions About OrlandoJobs.com Job Fairs

What Should i bring to the job fair?

Job seekers should bring copies of their resumes and any relevant documents that might help them stand out to potential employers. You should dress professionally and bring a pen and notepad to take notes.

Is it free?

Yes! The job fair is 100% FREE to attend. All the services offered at the event are free. Even parking has been generously sponsored by Toho Water Authority.

Do i need to register before attending?

Registration is not required but recommended! By registering, we can send you reminders and important updates. You will also be the first to hear about employers attending the event and available positions, career advice sessions, resume review times, and much more.

Can I bring in a bag?

The KIA Center rules for bags is listed here. We unfortunately have no control over what security will and will not allow through their doors. We recommend not attempting to bring in bags.

Parking Sponsored by